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Mostrando entradas de junio, 2017
Rubistar Introduction The following rubric has been made in the rubistar platform to evaluate oral presentations  about experiences in institutions which use constructivism. The rubric contains seven aspects to grade in a scale from one to 4, the items to evaluate are: Tone, Volume, Posture and Eye Contact, Vocabulary, Content, Comprehension and Understanding of the topic. Conclusion The platform called rubistar is one of a kind, it can really help you to develope a useful rubric wich is trustworthy to evaluate. My main issue when making ribrics was to find the right elements to consider and instead of create every aspect and grade it ribistar helped me assigning real measures considering the kind of activity and the skill that is supposed to be evaluated.
Summative and Formative Assessment Introduction The next mind map exposes the differences between sumative and formative assessment numbering their characteristics. The information for the elaboration the present mind map was taken from the essay "Formative and Summative Assessment" by Sandra Myers. Conclusion When givig classes sometimes we as teachers need to know how we are going to evaluate our students and what kind of resources will help us to measure the learning that our students are receiving from the classes. We could consider summative assessment as a final overall evaluation and formative assessment as a constant evaluation of the different products. 
Concept Maps, Rubrics and Portfolios as Formative Assessment Tools Introduction In this mind map im integrating three elements as part of a formative assessment. Each tool has its own characteristics to be considered as a meaningful aspect in the assessment process. In order to lead the activities to evaluating terms different perspectives are considered from every tool. Conclusion As teachers our main worry is to make students learn and we need some help to know how well the teaching is going. Rubrics, Concept Maps and Portfolios are our friends when we are assessing student during the course. They can show us thhe progress of every students and let us know how the information is being received for them so we can improve our teaching.
Assessment Video Introduction The following video is an interview made of eight questions about the handout "Introduction Issues in Language Assessment and Terminology". Due to external causes the video is done individually. The topics covered in it are: Evaluation, Assessment and Testing. Assessment Conclusion This was the hardest video to make.. A lot of terms, complex information and aplications. Oune hour recording and eve more time memorizing the information. Finally when the video was done i realize how much i had learnt. From the terms to the relation between them. The information presented in the previous map.
Assessment Introduction The next mindmap has been done with the intention of put the terms of the handout " Introduction to Issues in Language Assessment and Terminology" together. Covering the most important concepts and exposing them in a systematic order. The kind of tests and assessments are the main characteristic of the present product.  Conclusion The relation among test and assessment takes place in the teaching- learning process. Designing tests is not an easy work if we consider all the aspects involved from what we want to evaluate to what kind of students we have. During the making of this  work i would emphasize the importance of two terms "Assessment" and "Evaluation" focusing students and teacher respectively. 
Vocabulary Test Introduction The next test is made considering the topics and vocabulary preseted in the book "Empower B1". It contains 30 items devided in four sections: Relation, Definition and Blanks. It is designed for 30 minutes and developed focusing on vocabulary. Conclusion The items are taken from the different kind of tests that i have done, made to be solved in 30 minutes considering every question this test presents the information contained in the handouts given by the teacher( Introduction to Issues in Language Assesssment and Terminology).
Hot Potato Introduction In the next set of activities you will be able to test your knowledge about the handouts provided by the teacher during class. The topics included are "Homework", "Evaluation and Grading" and "Concept Maping". The present work was made beside my peers from Learning Evaluation class Daniel Gallegos and Diana Jiménez. There are three sections in this set of excercises: True or false questions, Matching excercises and fill the blanks excersices. Conclusion To had done this activity was an important feedback durin the making process. I had to examine the texts twice to make sure that the test was comprehensible enough. The most challenging part was find the right excersice where my information could be presented. I hope this product will help to my peers in understanding the information presented in the handouts.
Communicative Competence Introduction The next video contains a perception from the Proffesor Jack C. Richards' concept about communicative competence explained in his videos. It is a video of eight minutes where the two videos are put together considering the important aspects of each video and with my own application in the evaluation aspect. Explanation Communicative Competence is a term wich is closely related with linguistic competence, defined as the development of grammatical structure in a language. To master our language means how we improve our use of the language applying it in different contexts and with different people. The Communicative Competence refers to how capable we are to expres what we feel or think considering the five strengths of CC: Accuracy, fluency, complexity, appropriacy and capacity. As teacher one way to work on the communicative competence during the course would be basing syllabus on functions, tasks, fluency activitie...
First Mind Map  Introduction The first mind map from Evaluation Learning contains the topics seen in the first two weeks of class. It is an orginized piece of information based on notes and ideas which  were explained by the teacher. Concepts and definitions are both taken from the presentation checked during the course. The mind map is devided is two main branches Evaluation and Learning.  Evaluation contains Quality as a characteristic to consider during evaluation and aspects of  the evidence where the quality must be present. Decision making takes place in the same branch taking into account how important it is to work on the four skills using them to make a better use of them in the deciding process. Competence is defined in first place to make clear the term "Communicative Competence" in order  to understand what is around it. In the beliefs section is determined how the teacher can interprete students behaviour.   The second bran...